Jerry Pavlon-Blum, Ed.M., is the Director of Program Innovation & External Affairs at Robert Louis Stevenson, Manhattan’s therapeutic college preparatory school ( He maintains a private practice, coaching adults with mental health conditions to find or retain employment and navigate their personal lives, as well as parent coaching. Jerry serves on the Board of DBSA National, the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance; on the Data Safety & Monitoring Board of a longitudinal study concerning DBT at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Bipolar Services. He serves on the Board of Fanisi Tanzania, an NGO supporting children at high risk and their families in Mwanza, and also serves on the Education Committee of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. In 2008, Jerry founded the Tri-State’s first monthly support for parents raising emotionally complex children, and runs it today as Stevenson School’s NYC P2P (Parent 2 Parent), for parents from any school. Jerry holds advanced degrees from Columbia University Teachers College, Bank Street College of Education and a CAS from Harvard University. A former columnist for BP Magazine on family matters, his newest publication in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of N. America concerns children with emotional outbursts, who don’t fit within current psychiatric diagnoses. He produced a documentary film short for DBSA National, “Psychiatrist as Patient: Caring for the Caregiver,” that continues being chosen for official selection screenings around the world.